Thursday, May 14, 2009

First landscape

I created this illustration for two reasons.
1 – A friend who I used to work with in Balmain recently moved overseas. She was looking for something that she could hang on her wall to remind her of home.
2 – I wanted to see if I my use of fabrics and textures could be used to illustrate a landscape.

Balmain has many old buildings with interesting detail in the features... it would do nicely as an Australian street scene.

I spent an afternoon searching for the right composition, and the right feel (Australian).

From there I worked up some sketches and outlines to follow.

Added some fabric for colour, texture and shadow – I ended up using several parts of my brown vest to create some of the shading on the building.

And used some water colour to lighten the density of the fabric knits, and create some distance.

After doing this project, it has spurred me on to do more landscapes like it. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fab fabrics

I am always looking for new textures that I can use in my artwork. Often times I use what ever is in wardrobe, or the craft basket. Using the natural folds and creases in the materials can add to the perspective of the illustration, it's fun to work with.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Street inspiration

Ideas for my illustrations usually come from what's around me. This could be signage, textures, patterns, colours, lighting, shapes on building, or what ever I pass on the street.

On a Sunday wander, I took some shots of what interested me.

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's all new to me

Well, here it is... my first blog post.

Being from a print publishing background, I haven't ventured much into the online world. But, I thought this could be a good way to share my illustration work, and the processes I go through to get to my final artwork.

At the moment, I am interested in illustrating landscapes. Check out my gallery page for my most work of a street scene in Balmain NSW.

I'm hoping to scout some new places around Sydney on the weekend. I'll post some of the images on the blog. This is where it starts.

In the mean time have a look at my gallery for samples of my other work.

Published illustrations
