Monday, August 20, 2012

Party – Down at Fraggle Rock

Yes, I got the water colours out to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock. Talenthouse has put a creative call out for a poster design to commemorate the 30 year milestone. I hand drew the Fraggles & Friends with pencil and bled my water colours to make the colours bright. You can view my entry here and if you like it, you can vote your cares away : )

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I see blue people

Just some hovering UFOs spotted suspended one of the alleys above China Town. An average night in Sydney. I like them blurry.

Monday, June 25, 2012

All that Jazz

Popped into a little vintage fair at Randwick Town Hall on the weekend. Ukuleles were playing and there were clothes and jewels on offer. I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched by a pale lady in a hat... she had slightly too much rouge on.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Coloured Beasts Unhinged

These were a fun gift from Emma Kidd (Benconvervato). A set of my very own beasts for me to colour and hinge myself. Me and my trusty water colour pencil worked together on this. The paper had a really nice texture and I thought the combo of pencil and water colour would enhance it a little bit. 
Now to get these chaps framed. 

Emma has an exhibition called 'Beasts Unhinged' on at the moment at Sweets Workshop. It features her hinged beasts; large ones, short ones, dancing ones, snaky ones and underwater ones. 
Exhibition finishes on the 10th July.

'Jungle Janette'

'Prince Horse Face'

'Do I look good in this?'

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bowled over!

So... I was encouraged to enter into a competition for threadless, the theme was 'Pin-ups'. Of course I left it to the last minute, but I did end up submitting something hand drawn. (Though the competition is over). In any case, here she is, my 'Pin-Up' – She has curves that will bowl you over.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Heart to heart - valentines day cards

 Some of my new card designs for Valentine's Day.
Can you feel the love?