Monday, August 29, 2011

Petersham Roller Rink in Real Living Magazine

Last year we entered and won a kitchen competition through Real Living Magazine. After a lot of time and hard work, our shiny new kitchen is featured in the September issue, currently out now.

My illustration 'Get Your Skates On' – Petersham Roller Skating Rink even makes an appearance in the magazine. Thanks Real Living!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What a card

Spring cleaning turns up all sorts of forgotten bits and pieces. It seems I have a bit of a card collection. The box above now lives with me, but, was once stuffed into the games cupboard at Mum and Dad's place. We have never been a card game playing family, or any kind of game playing family... and yet, I seem to accumulated a lot of cards.
What a joker that dancing Mexican is... the tiny little joker with a witchy face was not quite what I was expecting from a Christmas cracker.
These cards I found on a trip to Trieste, it was a traditional game that the family I was staying with loved to play. I gave the game a shot – loved the graphics, but have long forgotten the game.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Magnolias and things

It's magnolia season, which means spring is one the way!